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   General guidelines for membrane characteristics


     compatible applications


Membrane Characteristics

Most frequently selected membrane; broad compatibility with aqueous and organic samples; naturally hydrophilic membrane; extremely low in extractable with strong acids or bases.




General laboratory filtration; filtration for most HPLC samples.NOTE: Nylon binds proteins, do not use when high protein recovery is desired.


Membrane Characteristics

Hydrophobic membrane is resistant to nearly all solvents, acids and bases; membrane is mechanically liquids; low in extractable; PTFE block water vapour; can be used to filter aqueous solutions after rewetting with a alcohol.




Hydrophobic membrane is resistant to nearly all solvents, acids and bases; membrane is mechanically liquids; low in extractable; PTFE block water vapour; can be used to filter aqueous solutions after rewetting with a alcohol.


Membrane Characteristics

High flow rates with good throughput volume, low protein binding, compatible with high temperature liquids, mechanically strong membrane low in inorganic extractable.




PES (Polythersulfone) is certified for ion Chromatography; Tissue Culture filtration; filtration of protein and nucleic acids.

Cellulose Acetate

Membrane Characteristics

Low protein binding, ideal for aqueous-based sample; high protein recovery from filtration; lower protein binding compared to PVDF




Tissue Culture media filtration, sensitive biological samples.

Glass Fiber

Membrane Characteristics

Larger porosity, able to remove large particulates without clogging




Dissolution testing, general filtration.


Membrane Characteristics

Hydrophilic membrane with good solvent resistance; low UV absorbing extractable and low nonspecific binding.




General biological filtration; filtration of samples where high protein recovery is desired.


Anchor 1
Membrane Characteristics

Biologically inert, a smoother and more uniform surface than pure nitrocellulose filter.




One of the most widely used membranes in a bacteria detection.

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